
“Being a prefect at the top of the school gave our son an understanding of the responsibility he had for the welfare of the younger children.” Parent

We use older pupils as role models unashamedly. The older children in the school are acutely aware of the influence they have on younger pupils, and the responsibility that such influence brings. 

They lead and help in assemblies and with house meetings and run School Council and Team G as well as other clubs. They also work with younger pupils every day as their ‘form monitors’, listening to them read or helping with their work. Year 8 pupils undergo training and at breaktimes to show that younger children can go to them for help if necessary.  As well as the Head Pupil and Deputy Head roles, all Year 8 pupils hold important positions at school and play a vital role in the smooth running of different areas – Charities, Whole School Events, Innovation, Wellbeing, Sport, School Council, Team G, Music, Playground, ICT to name but a few. Pupils are actively involved in the day-to-day running of the school and are able to initiate changes and make budget requests.

Spotlight on Playground Prefect - Max

* What does your role involve? I am able to help add equipment for the playground for the pupils to enjoy.

* What do you most enjoy in your role? To help make sure the other pupils in the playground, especially the younger ones, are all okay. 

* In what ways do you want to make a difference to the pupils at Solefield? I want to make sure students enjoy their break times and are having fun.

Spotlight on Captain of Stanhope - Hugo  

* What does your role involve? I get to lead house meetings and I have a big role in events like sports day.

* What are you most looking forward to? Hopefully winning the house shield on sports day!

* What part of your role do you see as most important? To help and encourage the people in my house, including the younger pupils. 

* In what ways do you want to make a difference to the pupils at Solefield? I want to make students confident and full of belief and to enjoy being part of Stanhope (and Solefield).

Raefe - Deputy Head (Music)

* What does your role involve? Part of my role involves being at the upcoming year groups Music & Drama recitals. As Head Chorister, I am also part of Chamber Choir and will sing the solo of Once in Royal David's City at the Solefield Christmas Service. As Deputy Head boy I have also spoken to the school in assembly.

* What do you most enjoy about your role? I like to come into the Music classroom  every morning and tune the violins, ukeleles and guitars for Mr Fenning. I also help ensure the other instruments are organised in the right place, such as maracas, hand bells, cymbals and tambourines

* What part of your role do you see as most important? I have a music exam coming up where the Director of Music at my future senior school will want to know I am involved in all things music related here at Solefield. So this is really important to me and know it also helps music here at Solefield School.

* In what ways do you think you might make a difference to the pupils at Solefield? To know I'm really helping Mr Fenning each day by tuning the stringed instruments, means Mr Fenning doesn't have to tune them for pupils during lesson time. I know it helps him to know they are already done.

Raphael - Sports Prefect 

* What does your role involve? Part of my role involves helping younger ones at sport.

* What are you most looking forward to in your role? Solefield Sports Day! 

* What part of your role do you see most important? Helping Mr J (Jankowski) and Mr Cramp with the sport at Solefield.

* In what ways do you think you might make a difference to the pupils at Solefield? I want to help the pupils in their Solefield journey.

Dominic - Deputy Head (Charities)  

* What does your role involve? My role involves helping to find charities for the school to support and helping setting up charity events.

* What are you most looking forward to in your role? Helping with Race for Life later this year and I have enjoyed being a part of the Harvest Festival.

* What part of your role do you see most important? Helping people in need of food and money.

* In what ways do you think you are making a difference to the pupils at Solefield? I want to help make the pupils at Solefield be kind and generous people.

Dominic, Deputy Head (Charities), Year 8 Prefect