
"There is something very magical about Solefield. The way they get the best out of every single child is special. I have never seen an unhappy child come out of Solefield just lots of laughter, smiles and friendship." Parent, Autumn Term Survey 2024    

Starting at Solefield

Children usually join Solefield in September at the start of the academic year, however, children often join us at other times thoughout the year. Although our main entry points are Little Acorns Pre-School (age 3-4) and Reception (age 4-5), children are welcome to join us into other year groups if we have places available. Our new joiners are warmly welcomed by their classmates, with parents often commenting how quickly their child settles in. 

We have limited availability in certain year groups and operating waiting lists:
​* 2024-25: Very limited spaces remain throughout the school; early enquiries are essential.
* 2025-26: Demand is high, and waiting lists are expected to commence soon.
* 2026-27: Early registration is now open, with priority offers available for Reception.

Please contact our Registrar, Mrs Lindsay Savage either by telephone on 01732 452142 or email [email protected] to register

Visiting the School

Our Registrar, Mrs Savage looks forward to hearing from prospective parents either by telephone on 01732 452142 or email [email protected]. She will be delighted to discuss with you any aspect of the enrolment and admissions process for your child.

After an initial discussion regarding availability of places and timing of entry it is usual for parents to visit Solefield, to meet with our Headmistress, Mrs Helen McClure. Please allow one and a half hours for your initial visit, which will include a tour of the school.

Open Events also take place during the school year when parents and children can visit the school. Click here to book your visit.

Reception Class Entry

We offer a maximum of 16 places per year for our Reception Class, which is non-selective subject to our Admissions Policy.  We make provisional offers to those children registered for Reception from the Autumn Term of the preceding year. For full details of the steps involved please refer to our Admissions Policy.  

A Reception Information meeting is held in the Summer Term prior to your child starting school and our Reception teacher meets your child at least once as part of their transition to Reception. Children have the chance to visit and see our newly hatched school ducklings, the Christmas Fayre and the dress rehearsal of the school production. On the day before school starts in September, we hold a tea for all new children to help them feel comfortable about starting at Solefield the next day.

Higher Years Entry

We are pleased to accept applications for Years 1 – 7 (as well as for Year 8 if the Common Entrance syllabus has been studied in Year 7), subject to availability of a place and a taster morning or day (depending on the age of the child). The taster session is a gentle introduction to Solefield, in which your child can experience normal lessons with the current year group. Age appropriate assessments will be incorporated into the taster session and feedback is given to parents at the end of the session, with an immediate indication as to whether we are able to offer a place to your child.


The first step in the admissions process is to register by submitting the completed Registration Form along with a £100 registration fee. The submission should be done as early as possible. 

Confirmation of Application

Approximately twelve months before entry, the school will contact you to confirm your application. To accept a place we ask for a deposit of £500, which is returned, less any disbursements owing, after your child’s final term at the school.