Help your child manage separations and goodbyes
Supporting a child with anxiety
Video - 'How to support your child with feelings of Anxiety'. A presentation for parents from our Solefield counsellor, Jess Butler.
Supporting your child when someone dies
Supporting your child's emotional wellbeing during bereavment
Dealing with child behaviour problems
Escalation techniques with children
At Solefield, we have several extra support systems in place for children who need some additional support.
Supporting children and young people with anorexia
Video - Feeding Specialist Talk for Parents, from Dr Melissa Bujtoris.
Supporting your child - LGBTQ+
Supporting children and young people with OCD
Video - 'Helping your child to be more resilient' - A presentation for Solefield parents from our school counsellor, Jess Butler
Parents and carers in conflict or separating | Anna Freud
Helping Your Child Cope with Your Divorce or Separation | NSPCC
Place2Be: Parenting Smart: Co-parenting after a separation or divorce
Place2Be: Parenting Smart: I’m going through a break up and want to support my child
My child has trouble going to sleep
How to Ensure Your Children Stay Safe While Playing Online Games | NSPCC
Read Mrs Koheji’s blog about the Zones of Regulation (ZoR). ZoR is a whole school approach we take at Solefield to help children recognise, understand and express their emotions as well as develop strategies to manage their behaviour.
Please contact your child's form tutor and our pastoral lead, Mrs Koheji, if you have concerns about your child's wellbeing. [email protected]
Further links: NHS
Place2be - Parentingsmart
Barnardo's - Mental health and emotional wellbeing | Barnardo's
NHS Better Health - Children's mental health - Every Mind Matters - NHS
Anna Freud - For families | Anna Freud