Spotlight on Staff - Mrs Hicks

Mrs Henry

9th November 2021

An interview with Mrs Hicks, Year 2 Teaching Assistant & Teacher 

1. How long have you been part of Solefield and in what capacity?
Since 1999 through to 2013 as a parent. Then since 2012 as a Teaching Assistant and Teacher 

2. How has it changed for you, with having all four of your boys go through Solefield as a Mum and now as a staff member working here?
When my boys were at Solefield it was quite a traditional prep school with compulsory Latin and Greek on the curriculum. Nowadays I would say the school is more inclusive. My morning walk is also much nicer, now that I don't have 4 squabbling boys trailing after me up the High Street!  

3. What do love most about Solefield?
The family feel about Solefield is lovely. This is something that has never changed about the school. It's also a very friendly and supportive place to work.

4. What do you like to do in your spare time?  

  • gardening and garden design
  • sewing and knitting
  • painting and drawing
  • playing the piano
  • baking
  • walking the dogs 

5. Tell us something unique about you.
Well, when I was a student I used to earn some extra money ringing the bells at Wells Cathedral.

6. What did you do before working at Solefield?
Before children I was a teacher, followed by 20 odd years raising 6 children and running a Beaver Scout Camp!

7. What has been the main difference for you during this lockdown 2, compared to lockdown 1?
Last Lockdown I was furloughed, which was just as well as all my adult children and partners came home to live and work from home. So I was mostly baking cakes and biscuits to keep up morale. This time it's nice to come into work as normal and see the faces of all our lovely boys every day!