Little Acorns News 07.03.25

Emma Finlay

7th March 2025

It has been another busy week in Little Acorns, rounding off with the Race for Life on Friday.

The highlight though has to have been the arrival of the duckling eggs and the most adorable little fluff balls now safely keeping us entertained in the classroom! The children have been entranced by the whole process, even being lucky enough to see one of the eggs hatching on Thursday. We have had some very sweet suggestions for names, including Doogie, Piggy and Daisy!

Book of the week

This week we have been reading Special Delivery by Polly Faber. It is all about a books journey from being printed in a factory far away, to being delivered to a little boy’s home. It has produced lots of fun discussion about different modes of transport, and we have marvelled at clips of enormous container ships!

We have been lucky enough to have some new resources delivered to the classroom this week and the children have enjoyed using all the packaging to pretend they are sending parcels off around the world.

Our quote of the week

This week comes from Debbie with the sweetest quote about her Daddy. ‘My Daddy is the best, he loves to be my Daddy!’.


In maths this week we have been focusing on patterns and sequencing. As you will see, little hands have been busy building towers and threading necklaces in one step patterns. This is something that could be easily replicated at home, even with fruit or vegetables.

We also spent some time sequencing the book, Mr Wolf's pancakes. It was lovely to see how the children's confidence and understanding has grown since we last did this activity. 


Literacy this week has been all about World Book Day. We absolutely loved seeing your wonderful costumes and book character potatoes on Thursday. The children enjoyed a visit from our visiting author Rachel Valentine and listening to a couple of her stories, we can highly recommended them!

We have also been doing lots of work on our sound of the week 'c'. It has been so wonderful to see how much all the fine motor activities we have been doing have paid off. We couldn't believe how well the children did with a cutting exercise this week to produce our very sweet ducklings wall display. 

Book day fun!


Something to look forward to

Next week is STEM week so there are sure to be lots of exciting activities to get involved with!


*Please could all children have a water bottle in school for snack and lunchtimes.

*If your Little Acorn comes to school on a Monday, please ensure they have wellies and suitable warm clothing for Outdoor Learning. We aim to get out whatever the weather!