We hope you all had a super half term, it has been lovely to see all the children. This week we have been enjoying the slightly warmer days, and lighter mornings. You may have noticed that we have had a little move around in the classroom, the children really seem to have embraced the changes and it has been wonderful to see them playing happily in little groups and engaging in activities with real focus.
Welcome to Edward who started in Little Acorns this week. He is already one of the gang, and we are so happy you have joined us!
The week started with a beautiful afternoon in Knole Park. The children were very excited to see lots of deer right up close and we spent some time watching them before venturing off to climb the ‘mountains’, look for wiggly worms, and collect lots of (muddy) sticks and leaves! We apologise for the extra strain on your washing machines, but the children had a wonderful time!
Well done to Ren for achieving a resilience award over half term! She has worked so hard learning to dress not only herself but also her little brother. No mean feat when putting on lots of layers for forest school. Well done Ren, we are so proud of you!
Book of the week
This week we have been reading ‘Oi Frog!’ by Kes Gray which has caused much hilarity amongst the children. The hilaroous rhymes make it a very engaging book, not to mention introducing lots of new vocabulary. Did you know that gophers sit on sofas?!
Our quote of the week
Ottilie built this magnificent creation for one of the rubber ducks. ‘It’s a sunbathing house for the duck. She likes to drink strawberry juice and eat cupcakes. When she gets too hot she goes in her freezing house!’.
In maths we have been revisiting subitising as well as categorising animals and exploring 3D shapes in the construction area.
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Our literacy work has been focused on activities to strengthen pencil grips, name writing, hearing sounds in words and encouraging the children to have a go at segmenting (breaking down) a word to spell it. This is so important, even if they do not get it right, phonemic awareness is increased dramatically through exposure and experimentation. This of course is all in addition to lots and lots of stories!
Something to look forward to
We are very excited about World Book Day and our visit from author Rachel Valentine on Thursday 6th March. Please see this week's bulletin for details.
We also have duck eggs arriving in the classroom next week which we will be watching closely for when they hatch. Watch this space for photos!
*Race for Life – Please see the bulletin for details of this event next Friday 7th March. We may not be back at school by 3pm so please be patient if you are waiting to pick up, we will be as quick as we can!
*Please make sure all snack boxes are named to avoid confusion as there are quite a few of the same ones now!
*If your Little Acorn comes to school on a Monday, please ensure they have wellies and suitable warm clothing for Outdoor Learning. We aim to get out whatever the weather!
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