Little Acorns News 07.02.25

Miss Finlay

7th February 2025

The highlight of our week has to have been having Mika our little hamster out in his ball! The children have been entranced watching him scooting around and it has been lovely for the children to see him close up as he has proved rather elusive so far!

We started the week with a super afternoon in Knole Park at Outdoor Learning. We spotted a clearing with a little hill, perfect for our mini explorers! Their imaginations ran riot as they came up with games, characters and stories to play. It just shows that you don't always need lots of toys and equipment to have fun!

Book of the week

As part of our topic on Animals, this week we have been looking at sea creatures, so the obvious choice for our book was Tiddler by Julia Donaldson!

The children have enjoyed learning the names of lots of different fish and playing with the small world environment in the tuff tray. 

From a literacy point of view, the rhyming element of the story is both wonderfully engaging for the children but also aides recall and helps with spotting similar sounds. 

At snacktime this week we have also been looking at a beautiful book called 'Maps' by Aleksandra Mizielinska and Daniel Mizielinski. Each country is represented by beautiful illustrations of the culture, animals, flags and famous sights particular to it. We have so far learnt about Poland, Romania and Italy. Do let us know if you there is somewhere special to your family and we will share it with the children.

Our quote of the week

We were very impressed when I showed the children a picture of the Sydney Opera House this week and Luca replied ‘That's Australia!’. Well done Luca, what great knowledge.

Focus of the week – PE

In PE this term we have been focused on strength and encouraging forward motion in preparation for forward rolls. We have been drawing on our animals topic as the children hop, bounce, spring and stomp around the mats pretending to be different creatures. There was much hilarity as the children tumbled down the mats, building not only their physical strength but also their confidence. 



Little chefs!

We donned our chefs hats and set to, making some bread on Tuesday. The children were so patient waiting to take their turn adding in the ingredients and it was a perfect opportunity to use lots of maths and number language.

The classroom smelt amazing as the bread maker worked its magic and there were lots of requests for more when we tucked in at afternoon snack. 


Something to look forward to

Next week we will be going on a treasure hunt in Outdoor Learning and learning to count our classmates in French!


*School finishes for half term on Friday 14th February.

*Please could all children have a water bottle in school for snack and lunchtimes.

*If your Little Acorn comes to school on a Monday, please ensure they have wellies and suitable warm clothing for Outdoor Learning. We aim to get out whatever the weather!

*Please could you let us have a password that family or friends can use when collecting your child.