The children have done so well in their first full week at school. We have been amazed at how they are all managing with the routines, and how hard they are trying to become more independent. It is so lovely to see the pride on their little faces on managing to do up their zips or change their shoes without help.
Thank you to everyone who has sent in photos of their family pets, the children have loved sharing them, please feel free to send any others should you wish to. Equally if your Little Acorn would like to bring in anything else topic related for show and tell, we would love to see it!
Highlights of our week have included, a wonderful snowy afternoon in Knole Park, getting to grips with using a mouse while playing games in ICT, naming our class hamster, ‘Mika’ and learning the names of some animals in our first French lesson. After all that, we wish you all a restful and happy weekend!
Please do pop into the classroom and see the beautiful hamsters that the children have painted on the display board!
Book of the week
This week we have been dreaming of longer, brighter days when reading the book ‘When Spring Comes’.
Repeating the same story is hugely beneficial in terms of language development, comprehension, sentence structure and also helps to provide emotional comfort, particularly important through times of change and transition.
It was fantastic to note how much the children could recall each time we read the book and their understanding of the various concepts in the book surrounding seasons, weather and nature.
Our quote of the week
Arthur showed some wonderful imagination when we were at Outdoor Learning, telling me that he was using his stick to ‘catch fish out of the river’.
Snowy fun in Knole Park
On Monday, we joined Reception to head up to Knole Park for our first Outdoor Learning session of the year. There was still snow on the ground and the children enjoyed a wonderful afternoon exploring and problem solving in the woods. They climbed on branches, dug in the snow, balanced on tree trunks, ‘fished’ in puddles, built dens and spotted birds and deer.
It is so valuable for children to spend time in the natural environment, moving their bodies and learning about the world around them through hands on experiences.
As Einstein said ‘Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better’.
Something to look forward to
As part of our topic work, next week we will be listening to Saint-Saëns ‘Carnival of the Animals’.
*Please could all children have a water bottle in school for snack and lunchtimes.
*If your Little Acorn comes to school on a Monday, please ensure they have wellies and suitable warm clothing for Outdoor Learning. We aim to get out whatever the weather!