Little Acorns News 18.10.24

Emma Finlay

18th October 2024

Half term is here! We have had a super week, the highlight of which must have been our trip to Riverhill Himalayan Gardens for a spooktacular morning of pumpkin fun! Please do update us on anything you have been up to with your Little Acorn over the holiday, either via Tapestry or on email – the children love to share their family news.

We wish you all a very happy and restful break.    

Book of the week

Our book this week was Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson. We have been reading it to the children during snacktime and they really seem to have enjoyed the gentle atmosphere this has created. Our focus has been on the rhyming element of the story and they have been doing so well beginning to spot and suggest rhyming words.

Amongst other activities, we have also been collaging animal masks, looking at animal real life images of animals in reference books and enjoying the ‘watering hole’ small world play.

Our quote of the week  

When Mrs Sage put a piece of music on, Callum remarked ‘This is the Sugar Plum Fairy!’. You were absolutely right Callum, and it was lovely to see you and your friends enjoying the music.

Pumpkin fun!

We had a wonderful morning at Riverhill Himalayan Gardens on Thursday. There is always much excitement about going on the minibus but there was lots more fun to come! When we arrived, we headed straight for the incredible Pumpkin Grotto where Kate guided the children through making little sock pumpkins. So simple but absolutely adorable and the children were so proud to see the end result.

After that, we headed up to the Walled Garden for snack before exploring the gardens and taking part in the pumpkin hunt. Riverhill looked absolutely beautiful in the warm, autumn sunshine and as we headed back to the minibus Arthur exclaimed ‘Wow, look at the view!’.

It was the perfect way to round off the first half of term, and your Little Acorns were an absolute delight to take out!



Something to look forward to...

After half term we will be making some fireworks pictures, and dare we say it, starting to think about our Nativity performance!


*The week after half-term, our number of the week will be 3 and our letter sound will be 's'.

* Feeding talk – There will be a talk for parents by feeding specialist Dr Melissa Bujtor on Monday 4th November from 7-8pm via Zoom. Please see the school bulletin for further details.

*Please ensure that all items of clothing are named, particularly coats, otherwise it is very hard to return them to you!

*If your Little Acorn comes to school on a Monday, please ensure they have wellies and suitable warm clothing for Outdoor Learning. We aim to get out whatever the weather!