Little Acorns News 11.10.24

Emma Finlay

11th October 2024

It is hard to believe that we are heading into the final week before half term! What a wonderful start to the school year we have had and what a joy it is to see a classroom of such happy little faces each day. 

The highlight of the week has to have been taking part in the whole school Kapla plank activity. The children worked so carefully to help produce the most incredible structure. Please see some pictures below and our social media for a time lapse video of the day. 



Well done to Ottilie who earned a resilience award this week for managing to put her seatbelt on all by herself in the minibus. What a fantastic achievement!

Book of the week 

This week we have been reading Full, full, full of Love by Trish Cooke. It centres around a little boy named Jay Jay, waiting for his family to arrive for Sunday dinner at Granny's house. The story has been lovely to share with the children alongside discussions about their own families, supported by the photos you have sent in. It has been wonderful to witness them growing in confidence when offering information and expressing their opinions and preferences - often to do with which of the foods in the story they would like to eat! 

Our quote of the week

This week comes from Luca when we were completing a sorting activity. ‘We need to separate them. They are not the same colour but they are the same fruit.’

Focus of the week

This week we have begun to focus more closely on numbers and letter sounds. We will now have a letter and number of the week which our maths and literacy activities will be geared towards.

Our letter sound this week was ‘m’. We pronounce this using what are known as pure sounds, just saying the sound, with no ‘uh’ sound on the end. Hopefully your children will be able to give you a good demonstration of this now! We have had fun forming the letter in shaving foam, finding objects beginning with that sound, and spotting it in people names and stories.

We have continued with sorting and categorizing in maths as well as focusing on the number one. Learning is very much play based, rolling play doh into a number one, decorating a number one with stickers and using tools to group objects, all of which also helps to strengthen and improve fine motor skills.

If you are able to, please do encourage your child to spot letters and numbers when you are out and about, count out fruit at the supermarket, even help you pair up socks in the laundry! Learning by doing really does work the best for young children.

Something to look forward to...

Next week we are going to be doing some more baking. Rolling pins at the ready!


*Library books – please return any library books you still have at home before the half term.

*Please could all children have a water bottle in school for snack and lunchtimes.

*If your Little Acorn comes to school on a Monday, please ensure they have wellies and suitable warm clothing for Outdoor Learning. We aim to get out whatever the weather!