Little Acorns News 20.09.24

Miss Finlay

20th September 2024

We have made the most of the stunning weather this week by getting outdoors as much as possible. From our Outdoor Learning visit to Knole Park, to playing in the sand, to riding the bikes and trikes at playtime and working on our balance and jumping in PE, we haven’t stopped! It is a joy to see the children becoming more familiar with the school and really enjoying the feeling of community. We can’t go anywhere without some of the older children stopping for a high five!


Many congratulations to Lewis who was awarded a Headmistress' award this week for his beautiful artwork, and to Luca who received a Kindness award for sharing toys so beautifully. Well done boys, we are so proud of you!

Book of the week

This week we have been reading ‘From Head to Toe’ by Eric Carle. The children have really engaged with the beautiful illustrations and have loved joining in with the actions of the various animals. It has been a pleasure to see the children growing in confidence both in self-expression but also their ability to predict and recall the story.

Our quote of the week

This week comes from Luca ‘I speak only three languages, English, French and Romanian’. We are very impressed you can speak all those languages Luca!

Deer spotting and tree climbing

It was wonderful to be able to hop in one of the school buses on Monday afternoon and head up to Knole Park for our weekly Outdoor Learning session. We were greeted with deer as soon as we arrived and the children were absolutely entranced watching a family with a young fawn, as well as some older males ‘with very big antlers!’.

We walked on a little further, stopping to look at the ducks and dragonflies on the pond, to an area with a huge fallen tree. After telling the children we were going to spend some time playing there, one of them said ‘but where are the toys?’. Half an hour later, after climbing the tree trunk, spotting squirrels, collecting sticks, digging for treasure and engaging in a whole lot of imaginative play, nobody wanted to leave! It was a pleasure to see the children exploring nature and enjoying themselves without a single ‘toy’ in sight!

Something to look forward to...

Next week we will be doing some baking – chef’s hats at the ready!


*We are adding lots more posts to the Little Acorns Tapestry account so please remember to keep checking back!

*If your Little Acorn comes to school on a Monday, please ensure they have wellies and suitable warm clothing for Outdoor Learning. We aim to get out whatever the weather!

*Please return school Library books on a Thursday so the children can change them in our Library lesson.

*Thank you to those who have sent in family photos, please could we have any last ones either as a hard copy or emailed to us.