Little Acorns News 06.09.24

Miss Finlay, Little Acorns

6th September 2024

Welcome to our Little Acorns weekly news, we hope you enjoy hearing all about what your wonderful children have been up to.

It has been so special to welcome back familiar faces as well as all our new friends into the Little Acorns classroom. The children have done so well settling into school life and it is hard to believe that we have only been back three days!

The children have spent their first few days reading lots of stories about starting school, exploring the playground, learning about the visual timetable, enjoying drama with Mrs Swan, sharing lunch together and doing lots and lots of playing! We wish you a happy and restful weekend.

Something to look forward to...

Next week we will be having our first PE lesson and drawing self-portraits for our topic ‘All about me’!


* Your child will come home today (or when they are next in school) with a small, blue ‘contact’ book. We hope you will find this a useful way of sharing information about your child’s day that you may need to know - bumps or bruises, toileting, eating etc. Please check the book daily and initial it to confirm you have seen the message. Do of course feel free to drop us a note about anything we might need to know from home. We will keep you informed of anything serious or urgent via phone or email.

* If you are picking your child up after 3.30pm, they will be at Late Class in Year 2. Please enter school via the Butterfly Gate and make your way into the Pre-Prep building.

* If you would like to share a family photograph for our new topic, please send a hard copy or email one to us.

* Please could all children have a named water bottle in school for snack and lunchtimes as well as a set of spare clothing in a bag which can remain at school.

* If your Little Acorn comes to school on a Monday, please ensure they have wellies and suitable clothing for Outdoor Learning. We aim to get out whatever the weather!