Little Acorns News 28.06.24

Emma McKeating

28th June 2024

It is hard to believe that this is the final newsletter of the year! This term seems to have gone by in a flash and just as we are getting in the swing of the summer weather, it is time to head off for the holidays. It has been an absolute joy and a privilege to care for your children through their time in Little Acorns, thank you for sharing them with us. We would like to wish you all a wonderful break, full of happy memories and we look forward to seeing your little ones back in school in September.


Many congratulations to Ottilie who was awarded a resilience sticker for learning to ride her bike, without stabilisers! Kristine was awarded a Headmistress Award for her amazing moon project. Well done girls, we are very proud of you.

Our quote of the week

This week comes from Anselm who was explaining the model he had built out of magnatiles to me. ‘it’s an asteroid that got shot out from a canon ball blaster and then the computer system inside the building flicked it back onto the moon!’. Clearly Moon Week has been providing lots of inspiration, it sounds fascinating Anselm!

Book of the week

This week we have been reading The Whale Who Wanted More by Rachel Bright. This was the description that the children came up with of the story. ‘The whale wants more stuff because it makes him feel good. So he goes to the coral reef to get all the treasure, but then he feels sad. So he returns all the stuff and gets friends instead, and then his heart bucket is full.’

An important lesson for all of us!

Fun in the…shade

Thanks to the very warm weather this week, we have discovered a favourite new activity for PE lessons. We are so lucky to have the climbing wall on the playground, particularly when it happens to fall in the shade! There was quite a range of confidence and enthusiasm when we started the session, but with some gentle words of encouragement from Mr Nagy by the end of the lesson all the children had had a go, and some were unstoppable!



We have had Moon Camp at school this week, and on Tuesday we had a fascinating trip to space in the travelling planetarium. The children had the opportunity to learn about the constellations, life on a shuttle and of course the moon, in a fun and immersive way. 

Something to look forward to...

The children are very much looking forward to performing the song they have been working on in music at our final assembly on Wednesday.


*Please return any last school library books that you might have at home before the holidays.

*As per Mrs Goodwin’s email, please let us know your child's sports day logistics if they don't normally attend Little Acorns on a Monday.

*Please could all children have a water bottle in school for snack and lunchtimes.