Little Acorns News 14.06.24

Emma McKeating

14th June 2024

It has been another wonderfully busy week in Little Acorns! We started off the week, as all Mondays should, with a visit from the ice cream van and ended it this morning with our Father's day breakfast. In between, there has been sports day practice, African art, stories galore, pizza making and coding. Phew, it's definitely time for the weekend, we wish you a very happy one!


We have had an absolute flurry of Kindness and Headmistress awards in Little Acorns this week! Well done everyone, we are so proud of you!

Book of the week 

This week, in keeping with our topic, we have been reading Anna Hibiscus' Song, by Atinuke. It has a gentle but important message about happiness and knowing ourselves. George was able to describe it beautifully.

'It is about mangoes and growing tall. I liked that she did a cartwheel. When Anna is happy she likes to sit in a tree. When I am happy I like to read stories and eat mango!' Thank you George!

Our quote of the week

This week comes from Harriet. When Elisabetta was doing some artwork this week, Harriet looked over and said to her, 'That's beautiful Elisabetta!'.

What a kind and thoughtful friend you are Harriet.

Focus of the week

This week our focus country for our topic has been Kenya. We have again used the VR headset to go on a walking safari and get up very close to an enormous bull elephant.

The children have enjoyed making some beautiful sunset silhouette pictures which you will get to admire on display very soon!

We also played a safari themed round of Kim’s game, where the children must spot which animal has been removed from under the cloth. It is a fantastic game for observation and memory, as well as turn taking and controlling the urge to call out the answer! They all did brilliantly and we got up to ten animals before I began to catch them out!

On Monday we had a very special visit from Ollie in Year 7 who was Headmaster for the day and kindly read the children ‘Giraffes can’t dance’ which they found very entertaining!

Something to look forward to...

We can’t wait for our trips to Stonepitts and Port Lympne next week!


*Please could all children have a water bottle in school for snack and lunchtimes.

*If your Little Acorn comes to school on a Monday, please ensure they have wellies and suitable clothing for Outdoor Learning. We aim to get out whatever the weather!