Little Acorns News 24.05.24

Mrs McKeating, Little Acorns

24th May 2024

What a fantastic first half of term we have had. It has been action packed since the first week and we have loved watching the children grow both in confidence and independence but also into new friendships. We hope you enjoy a little round up of photos from everything they have been up to recently. Wishing you all a wonderful, and sunny half term.


Many congratulations to Harriet and Anselm who both received Headmistress awards this week for fantastic artwork. We are glad to see that bunny got a sticker too!

Book of the week

In support and celebration of Diversity Week we have been reading two books about homes and bicycles. They feature beautiful photos from all over the world and introduce the children to and introduce children to how we all may live our lives in different places and in different ways, but we also share the love of a safe place to live, family and a means to have fun. We think Samuel summed it up perfectly when he said ‘I love the world!’.

Our quote of the week

This week comes from Matilda whilst she was playing with the train track, ‘My train is going to the North Pole and then to Riverhill Gardens where it’s going to have a sandwich!’.


Something to look forward to...

After half tern we will be starting our new topic ‘Around the World’. If you have any special books, souvenirs or photos your child would like to bring in for our topic work, we would love to see them!


*Port Lympne trip - Tuesday 18th June. If your child does not normally attend on a Tuesday, please email us by Friday 31st May to let us know if you would like them to come along.

*Please return any library books that you may have hiding at home.

*Please could all children have a water bottle in school for snack and lunchtimes.

*If your Little Acorn comes to school on a Monday, please ensure they have wellies and suitable clothing for Outdoor Learning. We aim to get out whatever the weather!