Wellbeing at Solefield

Dana Koheji ​DSL, Pastoral Lead - Welfare, Head of Art

10th November 2021

This year, as part of our commitment to promoting wellbeing and mental health in all areas of our school community, we are working towards achieving the Wellbeing Award for Schools. 

Achieving the Wellbeing Award for Schools will entail going through a process of self-evaluation, action planning, portfolio building and finally verification to show we have achieved the necessary standards.  

Currently we are at the stage of self-evaluation. To gauge how well we are doing regarding supporting mental health in school, parents have been sent a questionnaire and student and staff members will also have questionnaires to complete. (They are all anonymous.)

Please take the time to complete the questionnaire, it should only take about 5 minutes and will help us to determine which areas we need to focus on for improvement. 

A team of us at school are available to answer any questions you may have. If you would like to get in touch, please don't hesitate to get in contact with myself, Mrs Glennon-Cousins, Mr Bowden or Mrs Robinson.