Spotlight on Staff - Miss Henry

23rd September 2022

An interview with Miss Henry - School Assistant

* What did you do before coming to Solefield?

I have come straight from one school to another! I was at Tonbridge Grammar School finishing my International Baccalaureate (IB).

* How did you hear about the position?

Solefield has been part of my life for the last 14 years. Both my parents work here and three of my brothers came here. I have always known about the School Assistant/Gap year position and always hoped that one day I would be fortunate enough to work here.

* What do you like to do in your spare time?

I really enjoy singing and performing. When I was younger I was on TV when I took part in the BBC Young Choir of the Year. We got through to the semi finals.  It was an amazing experience and I will also remember the red tights I had to wear!  

I also waitress at The George and Dragon pub in Chipstead (come down and I will pour you a wine!) and I also do some nannying.

* Tell us something unique about you?

I am the eldest of seven! I have four younger brothers and two younger sisters, so family life is busy.  

* If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

Both my parents are from New Zealand and I was born there. I would stop there first to visit family, before travelling onto The Cook Islands. My Great Great Uncle was the first Prime Minister of The Cook Islands so it would be pretty cool to visit and see where he lived and worked. He was also knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.

* What is your favourite food and why?

My absolute favourite dish is macaroni cheese. Every birthday my mum makes it for me and it is delicious. I remember being at pre-school and it was macaroni cheese for lunch. I refused to eat it as I thought it looked disgusting. But after some gentle encouragement I was convinced to take a mouthful and from that moment onwards I was hooked!

* What do you most enjoy about working at Solefield?

No two days are the same. There is so much variety in my job; I love it. But what makes it even more fantastic is how lovely and friendly all the boys are. They have all made me so welcome, they are so polite and when a boy held the door open for me, for the first time, I knew I was working in a very special place.