Spotlight on Prefects - George & Harry

1st July 2022

George - Head Boy
Harry - Deputy Head Boy - Sport Prefect

What does your role involve?

George - My role involves representing the school in many different ways, including setting an example to the younger boys and helping out anyone I can.  

Harry - As Deputy Head Boy (alongside the other Deputy Head Boy, also called Harry), I help to organise events as well as present new ideas to the school. 

What do you most enjoy about your prefect role?  

George - What I enjoy about being Head Boy is the fact all of the people in the younger years look up to me, which to me is very special

Harry - As Deputy Head Boy, it allows me to explore my ideas, and with that comes me being allowed to express them, helping to make changes in the school. Being a Sport Prefect allows me to pursue my chosen sports scholarship pathway.  

What part of your role do you see as most important right now?

George - I think the most important role is the fact I need to make sure the younger boys from Reception - Year 7 are going down the right path and are representing the school just as much as anyone else is. Prize Giving was also really important, where I where I spoke in front of the whole Solefield community. 

Harry - As one of the Sports Prefects, we're always busy doing things, but this half of the term, we were working to make sure the Sports day runs smoothly.

In what ways do you feel you are making a difference to the boys at Solefield?

George - I feel like I am making a difference to the boys in Solefield because if I am working very hard and getting good results, it might motivate the other boys below me to do the same.  

Harry - I feel that by allowing the boys to see what year 8 roles are like, it will inspire them to keep working hard, and one day, be doing the same.