In our assembly on Thursday, teachers talked about all the Year 8 prefect responsibilities and what these entail. Year 8 boys will be canvassing opinions and suggestions from the younger boys, choosing and helping with resources, tuning instruments and preparing computers, running assemblies and meetings, spending budgets and really leading the school.
I am delighted to let you all know that the roles are as follows:
- Head Boy - Elliot
- Deputy Head (Charities) - Jonathan
- School Council and Eco Team Chairs - Jack and Zac
- Captain of Marlowe - Alex
- Captain of Sackville - Barney
- Captain of Stanhope - Thomas
- Captain of Wolfe - Misha
- Pre-Prep Frank
- Sport & Playground Prefects - Oliver and Jed
- Wellbeing & Head Chorister - William
In addition to these roles, all boys will have additional duties in areas like music, computing, art, reading etc
It was wonderful to see how proud and pleased the boys, and their parents were, this morning and I look forward to a wonderful year ahead with these pupils making Solefield the school that it is by setting an excellent example to the younger boys.