Spotlight on Prefects - Nico & Chris

24th June 2022

* What does your role involve? 

Nico - as Captain of Stanhope, I lead house meetings and help organise teams for House matches. As Art Prefect I help organise the art room and work hard on my own art.

Chris - in my prefect roles I help by filling up water bottles and being available for whatever is needed in both the sport department and the music department. 

* What do you most enjoy about your prefect role?  

Nico - I most enjoy doing art and being a good role model to my House; I also enjoy  watching their success.

Chris - I particularly enjoyed being Football Captain.

* What part of your role do you see as most important right now?

Nico - I see being kind and respectful and guiding my house as very important. 

Chris - writing inspirational speeches for the year 7 boys to help them when it is their turn at being a prefect.

* In what ways do you feel you are making a difference to the boys at Solefield?

Nico - I feel I am helping other students to improve in art and to try their hardest in House sports.

Chris - helping to ensure that the pupils can play the games they want to on the playground.