Year 5 Camping Residential Trip

Mrs Cook, Head of Modern Languages

21st June 2022

Year 5 had a fabulous trip camping at Wildchild Adventure last week. We were very lucky to have beautiful weather during our three-night stay, camping in bell tents. We had our own base camp with a fire pit and camp games area (including table tennis tables!), where we hosted the Wildchild Talent Show!  

The underlying theme of the week was ‘give it a go’! The boys impressed all the leaders with their positive attitude and teamwork. We enjoyed a vast variety of activities such as Wild Explorers which involved learning about trees, building bug hotels, learning how to pick a nettle leaf and eat it, Bushcraft where we lit fires, built dens, and ate marshmallows, teambuilding, night-lining, potholing, wall climbing, abseiling, and tobogganing. The list goes on…! 

The focus was about connecting the boys with the outdoors, learning about their environment, and working together, whilst trying new activities and having fun!

The camaraderie and support amongst the boys was always evident, as they pushed themselves out of their comfort zones; from potholing in the dark to conquering the heights whilst abseiling.  

We enjoyed excellent, hearty meals and the odd birthday cupcake for the boys who were lucky enough to celebrate their birthday with all their friends under one roof! 

The Year 5 boys were all Wild-Child adventurers by the end of our stay.