Jubilee Enrichment Week

Mrs Rogan and Mrs Savage

24th June 2022

Our Jubilee Enrichment week, which started with our street party last Friday, continued with Coronation assemblies, chronology adventures for the past 70 years and jubilee workshops on life in the 50s as well as Victoria's jubilee in 1897.  We had dance workshops for the whole school with every year group learning a different dance from a different decade. We also enjoyed the winning 5 entries of the Solefield Jubilee Pudding Competition being served for the whole school during Enrichment Week.

The judging panel (including Mrs McClure and the Holroyd Howe team) were very impressed with the creative entries and the culinary knowledge incorporated into the wonderful recipes. Thank you to all the boys who entered the competition.

Well done to the winners, who received a certificate and baking book:

Monday – Leo B,  Year 1 – Meringues and berries

Tuesday -  Arthur, Year 3 – Lemon drizzle cake with raspberry ripple icing

Wednesday – Oscar, Year 6 – ‘Queeniares shortbread’ with strawberries

Thursday – Richard, Year 2 – Caramel cake with chocolate flakes

Friday – Eddie Year 2 – Rainbow cake

A special well done to the runners up:

Toby H 5E – trifle with fruit layers – served as alternative pudding during the week

Charlie S Year 2 – layered jelly with raspberries & sprinkles - served as alternative pudding during the week

Zach B Year 2 – Corgi cookies – served at the Jubilee Street Party

Joshua C Year 4Rii – Crown shortbread - served at the Jubilee Street Party

Special commendation to:

Cameron S Year 2 – Corgi made of jelly with queen riding it – a special mention for imaginative design.

Finally, we ended the week with Jubilee bags which are making their way home via your boys. Thank you to our Solefield Parents' Association (SPA) for funding this souvenir of the Jubilee at Solefield School.

"Leo was very proud and delighted with his prize and immediately used it to make some lovely coconut cookies and his brother made flapjack. It was a great book with such clear instructions that he is able to follow them all by himself!" Parent of Leo