Cosmo - Library Prefect & Captain of Wolfe

3rd June 2022

What does your role involve? 

Librarian involves taking care of the library, such as returning books to their correct spots, adding new books to the library system and helping younger students to take and return books from the library. Captain of Wolfe involves running house meetings and selecting the teams for such events as the egg and spoon days and football.

What do you most enjoy about your prefect role?  

Being able to read books in the library and helping others share my passion of reading books.

What part of your role do you see as most important right now?

For Captain of Wolfe, I believe the most important part of it is to make sure Wolfe does not come last by any means necessary! For Librarian, I believe that taking care of the library so that others can enjoy its wonders, is the most important part of being Librarian.

In what ways do you feel you are making a difference to the boys at Solefield?

Helping other students enjoy reading more and find a new passion for reading.

Read our Headmistress' blog here on the importance of reading at Solefield School.