SPA Dinner Dance - 'Buy our Bus'

Mrs McClure, Headmistress

6th June 2022

Thank you to all those who were at the Solefield Parents' Association summer dinner and dance at Nizel's last Saturday.  A great time was had by all - particular thanks to Ruth Hay for organising it all and for her wonderful auctioneering skills and to Mike Nikolich for the very festive lights!

Thank you to those who gave auction prizes so generously. We raised a wonderful £3650 for 'Buy our Bus' fund on the night which is a great start. If you weren't able to join us and would like to donate to this very worthy cause, please click here.

One very generous Solefield family (who wish to remain anonymous) has already bought Solefield boys a new bus which we should be able to start using from this September. These buses get a lot of use for matches, choir outings, outdoor learning, trips and enhance the boys' learning experiences here considerably, not just for the current boys but for years to come.

Our current buses have given us 20 years' loyal service and remain safe and usable. They are, however, only able to be driven by a small number of older staff (like me!) and are not as environmentally friendly as the Eco Team would like. We also have to rely on parental lifts more often than we would like. New, modern, more reliable buses would make a huge difference to what we can offer the boys.

Thank you most sincerely if you have already donated.  The totaliser (kindly made by Mrs Koheji) is up in the Music School window if you would like to follow our progress as we aim to raise £40,000 to buy a second bus. We hope to have all sorts of fundraising activities going forwards and will keep you informed.