Nico's Winning Eco Bag Design

Mrs Shanmuganathan, Head of TPR

9th June 2022

Last term we ran a design competition and we would like to thank all boys who entered.  Congratulations to Nico in Year 8 for his fantastic winning design which has been printed on these eco bags. Nico's entry really summed up how Solefield's core values are at the heart of who we are and how they demonstrate our commitment in protecting our world. A special mention to our two runners up: Benedict and Maxime M from Year 5. 

There's still time to purchase one of our eco bags at £5 each and support our eco fundraising efforts at Solefield School, please click here to order.

Further details can be found in Mrs Shanmuganathan's letter dated 27 May here

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Solefield families for their support during Green Week and for all other eco endeavours your sons contribute to.