Food Committee Visit 'Cook'

Mrs Savage, Facilities Manager

27th May 2022

On Thursday, the Food Committee visited Cook in Tonbridge to learn all about how they make delicious home-made style food on a large scale.

The boys were lucky enough to sample a variety of vegetarian dishes and puddings. Thank you to Rosie Brown, co-CEO of Cook and our Head Boy George's Mum, for organising this trip for us. Also thanks to George’s Uncle Ed for hosting us. Boys from Year 2 to Year 8 learnt about how the Cook concept was inspired by weekly batch cooking by Rosie and Ed’s Mother. The boys guessed fun food facts such as how many onions are used by Cook each year (6.7 million!) and potatoes (the equivalent of 108 T-Rexs!).  

The boys tried delicious vegetarian dishes such as vegetable lasagne and Spanish bean stew, along with yummy desserts such as chocolate roulade and mango cheesecake. Our trip ended with a competition to guess which of the dishes were the bestsellers, which Jack C in 5GC won. (The answer is vegetarian lasagne and raspberry pavlova). Thank you so much to Rosie and Ed for such a wonderful morning, which really inspired the boys to try new foods, particularly vegetarian dishes.