Starting in Pre-Prep at Solefield

Mrs McClure, Headmistress

7th May 2022

"Every day is a double thumbs up!" Harry, Year 1 

Solefield gives your child the very best start they can have to their life-long learning experiences and we are very proud of the well-rounded, happy, kind and enthusiastic young adults that Solefield pupils invariably become. This journey starts in Pre-Prep with a magical, inspiring and stimulating curriculum. Here are some ideas about what makes life in Solefield Pre-Prep so special.  

1. Light and airy classrooms, plenty of space and a separate garden area. Learning environments are creative, inclusive, stimulating and positive. 

2. Small classes and lots of teacher attention. Our classes in Pre-Prep are small, averaging 12, with a teacher and teaching assistant.


3. Lessons and tasks tailored to the individual. Expert, dedicated teachers plan and deliver lessons for the individual child. 

4. No one is overlooked. The progress and wellbeing of every child is monitored closely. 

5. Weekly Outdoor Learning afternoons at the Himalayan Gardens. A tailor-made curriculum that complements in-school learning perfectly.


5. Top-level sports’ coaching. With top level coaches working with children as young as 4. Everyone has the chance to represent the school at Solefield. Two afternoons of sport per week + swimming and PE lessons 

6. Wellbeing dogs. As one of the few independent schools in the UK to have the Wellbeing Award for Schools, we take care of our pupils’ mental health and wellbeing and they love visits from our fully trained wellbeing dogs Monty and Charlie.


7. Focused Drama and Public Speaking sessions. Gentle encouragement to perform with all taking part in concerts, nativity plays, recitals and assemblies to parents.

8. Specialist Art and Pottery lessons in our well-equipped Art Studio. Activities such as designing and making Celtic shields and decorating faces with Celtic warrior war paint. All pupils have work exhibited in our annual Art Exhibition.

9. Weekly swimming lessons with a top-level coach

10. Specialist Music lessons, singing, theory, choirs and instruments. An early introduction to different instruments and the joy of singing and music.

11. Specialist French lessons. Fun lessons from our Head of Languages. 

12. Trips and visits to such places as Leeds Castle, the National Post Office Museum and going on safari at Port Lympne. 


13. Care from older pupils. On the playground or at form time in the morning, our older pupils care for the younger ones, reading with them and helping them.

14. Lego Room for Golden Time or one of our many clubs – pupils love spending time in the purposely-resourced area.

15. A huge library to enjoy quietly with friends and to borrow books with parents.


16. Excellent lunches, served family-style. Our lunches are prepared on-site and are as locally-sourced and organic as possible. Children as young as 4 can contribute to our Food Committee. 

17. An environment where everyone knows everyone else by name. Pupils of all ages, parents, staff and governors – Solefield is a supportive and caring community 

18. Clubs. Dance, STEM, Drama, Hama Beads, Lego……the list goes on and on.


19. Holiday Camps staffed by Solefield teachers, for Solefield pupils, their siblings and friends 

20. Breakfast Club and After School Care when needed. Family-style, caring tea, relaxation and play after school. 

Our school values ‘Value yourself, Value others. Value our world’ run though everything that we do at Solefield. This starts in Pre-Prep. 

Please visit us and come to see for yourself what a magical place it is. Click here to arrange your visit

"Our child has been their happiest self since starting at Solefield." Pre-Prep parent