Solefield D-Day

Mr Cramp, Head of Houses

24th March 2022

Discover; Dodgeball; Debate; Design, Darts

We had a brilliant Solefield D-Day, starting off with a 'Deer Dawdle' in the stunning Knole Park, on a gloriously sunny day. Each year group competed in the following to win house points: 

* Year 7 and 8 - Darts tournament
* Year 6 – Domino Design - to make the best Domino fall art
* Year 5 – Debate - house debate
* Year 3 and 4 – Dodgeball
* Rec, 1 and 2 – Discover - traditions of Easter and create Easter Bonnets

The day was finished off perfectly, with a film for the boys.

Well done to our winners:
* Year 7&8 - Marlowe
* Year 6 - Stanhope
* Year 5 - Marlowe
* Years 3&4 - Stanhope
* Rec-Year 2 - Wolfe

With the overall winner - Wolfe.