Year 1 & 2 trip to Chatham Historic Dockyard

Mrs Robinson, Year 2 Teacher

16th March 2022

Year 1 & 2 made the exciting trip to Chatham Historic Dockyard on Tuesday. The day was packed full of action from start to finish. We started our day with a fun ‘Pirates Ahoy’ workshop where we learned about the history of pirates and special pirate treasure. We then learned a pirate song and used musical instruments to make even more noise. The more noise we made the more we would trick our enemy into believing there were more pirates onboard.

Next, we made our way to the WW2 battle ship HMS Cavalier. The boys were very excited to actually go inside and experience what it would have been like to live onboard. We did notice how cold it was onboard and would not have enjoyed living here during her voyage to the Arctic!

After lunch, we squeezed through the hatches onto HMS Ocelot – the submarine. The boys loved looking at the engines and realised just how small a submarine was. It looked huge from the outside! We could not believe there would have been 69 submariners onboard for 12 weeks at a time.

We ended the day with a trip to The Ropery and even had a try at making our own rope. We worked as a team and spun the hemp fibres into rope. We made a brilliant rope thanks to the muscles of Mr Raymond helping out. The boys had such a busy day but thoroughly enjoyed themselves!