Thinking Allowed Talk for Year 7&8

Mrs Shanmuganathan, Head of TPR

2nd March 2022

We were delighted to welcome Georgia Marchal as a guest speaker for one of our 'Thinking Allowed' sessions.

She spoke to our Year 7 and 8 students about her work with 'Sevenoaks Welcomes Refugees'.  Our students and staff found it extremely interesting and had a real insight into the struggles that families can face when relocating to a new country where culture, custom and language is new and how thankful they are for all the support they receive. 

Some comments from students were

"I found it very interesting". 
"I learnt a lot and really enjoyed looking at some of their local recipes in their cookbook 'A Taste From Home'."
"I really enjoyed the talk and finding out about how families are helped by being provided with houses, food and clothes". 
"I now see how difficult it is for Syrians to come here and have to learn a new language".

Our thanks to Georgia for such an inspiring talk.  In line with our own school core values of 'valuing others and the world around us' we see how the outstretched hand of human kindness can make such a difference to lives of others.