Whole School Art Exhibition

Mrs Koheji, Head of Art

3rd March 2022

It was a pleasure to be able to have our usual Art Exhibition this year on Friday 25th February. The hall was filled with brightly coloured works from all the boys in the school. The Artwork on display ranged from beautifully painted landscapes in the style of Monet to tiger sculptures and hanging mobiles inspired by Calder. It was wonderful to see so many families at the event and the boys thoroughly enjoyed showing off their creations as well as completing the quiz, making drawings, and playing Art games on the computers.

Art teachers working lunch

On Monday 28th February we invited Art teachers and leaders from local primary schools to a working lunch to view the exhibition and share knowledge and ideas. We had teachers attend from Amherst and Sevenoaks primary schools.  This was the first year we hosted this event and plan to continue this every year.

Click on the video below to see our art exhibition for the past few years.