Solefield U11s Rugby Tournament

Aaron W, 6F

7th February 2022

The Philps 7s Rugby - Match Report

Held on Saturday 5 February 2022

Bright sunshine and blue skies welcomed all the teams as they arrived at our West Heath playing fields, the venue for the Solefield U11s rugby tournament. The tournament consisted of two divisions, red and blue, and Solefield was in the blue division with Sevenoaks Prep, The Mead School, Russell House and Hazelwood. 

The players for Solefield were Aaron W (captain), Dara S, Henry N, Oliver B, Kenziie D, Dexter B, Charlie E, Benji S and Raphael L.

The first game for Solefield was against Russell House. Amazing tries were consistently being scored as both teams were trying to work with the ball and get into good positions.  The final score was 3 - 3. What a game, as both teams contested for the ball and the lead changed a few times. Amazingly, Solefield could have won if they hung in there a little longer!

The second game was a lot tougher against Hazlewood. They were the better side and wanted it more than Solefield School. They took the win with 4-0.

Then our Head Coach, Mr Cramp, gave us a stern chat about the effort required to compete and made us think about how we could play and that we can beat anyone! That chat gave the team a confidence boost for the next game and the rest of the day.

Our third game we won 3-0 against The Mead School. Solefield were rucking and tackling really well and working as a team. The chat really worked!

The last game was against Sevenoaks Prep. The team played the best rugby that they have ever played before, and it resulted in some good team trys and a 3-0 win!

The scoreboard at the end of the day for the blue division was:  

Hazelwood School
Solefield School
Russell House
Sevenoaks Prep
The Mead School 

Finally, Dara S won the trophy for being the best player in the blue division and that made his day!

It was an amazing day of rugby. I can’t wait to see next year’s tournament with our current Year 5’s, who are very talented players!

Thanks to my team, our coaches, and all parents and teachers for supporting the team. THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING!