Spotlight on Mr Henry

13th January 2022

Mr Henry - Year 3 Teacher, Pastoral Lead Year 3 - 6

* What did you do before coming to Solefield School?
I taught in different parts of New Zealand in both primary and secondary schools, until embarking on an adventure (originally for one year!) to England. Then, I taught in various schools in South East London before moving to Solefield in 2008.

* How is Solefield different from your previous schools?
Solefield has a very unique quality that I haven't experienced anywhere else. It is a happy place to be and the people have always been friendly. It has a magical aura about it that makes it the best place that I have ever worked at.

* Tell us a little about your different roles during your time at Solefield.
During my time at Solefield, I have been Leader of Marlowe, Head of Clubs, Head of Houses, Director of Sport, a pastoral lead and have taught Mathematics and English, predominantly. 

* What do you most enjoy about teaching Year 3?
Year 3 has so many important concepts, methods and strategies to learn for the first time. It is a privilege and great responsibility to have input in the development of children at this crucial stage.

* What do you like to do in your spare time? 
I like to play sports with friends and board games with family.

* Tell us something unique about you.
I once played basketball in the highest city (5km above sea level) in South America.

* What inspired you to become a teacher?
I wanted to do something to help children grow in confidence, realise their potential and help them believe in themselves.

* What is your favourite food and why?
A Polynesian dish called Ika Mata, which consists of freshly caught tuna, cooked using only lemon juice (no heat) with a special salad topping. And why? Because it is unique to my Pacific Island roots.