Joseph - Gap Student. Former Head Boy, Year 8 Leaver.

26th November 2021

Which school did you move onto after Solefield?

After Solefield I joined King's School Rochester.

What was the biggest change moving to senior school?

One of the biggest changes was not only the workload, but getting used to the new people, as well as the surroundings. Going from being at the top of the school, to the bottom was definitely an experience I had to adjust to. Going from a small, condensed, family atmosphere to a huge, widely spread school was a big change. Solefield really makes you feel a part of the school, rather than just a student. 

What subjects did you most enjoy at senior school?

The subjects I enjoyed the most at senior school definitely had to be drama and classical civilisation. The drama department at King's Rochester leaves a lot of room for creativity, especially when it came to devised pieces of work. This would be down to script writing, tweaking stage directions, as well as complete freedom when it came to changing character motivation in order to fully develop the plot. Classics was also one of my favourites, as we delved deep into ancient philosophers such as Seneca and Aristotle, the likes of which inspired the mindset of the 300 Spartans. 

Do you have any abiding memories of Solefield School?

I have so many that I could probably write an extended novel! But if I had to narrow it down, it would definitely be the Year 8 trip to Poole. After hearing that the whole class had passed the Common Entrance, it was a great trip for us just to let loose after studying so intensely for the past year. Everything from climbing, rafting, kayaking and swimming. 

Does it feel any different being back at Solefield this time working as a Gap Student?

Not at all, but that's definitely a good thing. I believe Solefield prides itself on its "everyone knows everyone" attitude. With such a tightly knit community, the boys, as well as the teachers and Gap Students, truly feel like they're a part of something. I was looking forward to see if this had altered and I'm very pleased it hasn't.