Value others week

Mrs Koheji, Pastoral Lead for Welfare

19th November 2021

This week, we have been celebrating one of our Solefield core values, ‘Value others’. On each day of the week we had a different activity to encourage kindness and gratitude.

  • Monday: We had a whole school assembly about valuing others and the importance of being kind.
  • Tuesday: All students wore odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique. We focused on that fact that being different and being yourself is a good thing and it’s important to be accepting of other’s differences too.
  • Wednesday: We had a thank you wall in the atrium, where pupils put notes to express their gratitude and positive feelings towards each other. Every class visited the board and read the comments as well as wrote something throughout the day.
  • Thursday: The boys were encouraged to do one act of random kindness during the school day for someone and create a chain reaction of kindness.
  • Friday: We had reflection time, with discussion on the random acts of kindness and activities during the week.