Movember at Solefield

Mr Cramp, Head of History

4th November 2021

The male staff will be growing their Mo’s for Movember, and we would challenge all of the Solefield Family to do the same (of course this is aimed at the Dad’s and Grandad’s). 

Our staff would agree that we have seen the incredible impact of mental health issues such as Anxiety and Depression can have on a boy’s life. We therefore feel that it is immensely important to raise awareness of such issues and promote understanding amongst those who suffer that it really is best to talk, rather than suffer in silence.

Please feel free to sponsor our Solefield Family members in their quest by donating on this page, here.

Alternatively, you can scan this QR code:

We would love to see as many of your attempts as possible, and don’t worry, we will make sure that you see our staff members attempts too along the way.  To find out more about the charity, please click here