Alex and Zac, Year 8 Playground Prefects

30th April 2021

What have you done in your role as Playground Prefects? 

We have helped with the new basketball hoops and are available if any of the younger boys need anything when on the playground.

How has your role changed during Covid?  

We haven't been able to help out on the playground with as much as we usually would, but we enjoy being prefects and having the younger pupils look up to us.

What part of your role do you see as most important? 

Picking up the balls at end of breaktime and helping make the playground a better place.

What do you most enjoy about being a prefect?

We enjoy being able to wear our Solefield blazer a lot more, as well as wearing a Year 8 tie, which is different to the other years, which also helps to show we are prefects.