Sam, Sports Scholar and Sports Prefect

22nd January 2021

What does your role involve?

Helping out with the teachers during sports events and specific sports days.

What have you done in your Sports Prefect role so far? 

I have helped with setting out equipment and making sure that the boys behave on the playground before we walk up to the games fields. 

What is your favourite sport and why?

My favorite sport is rugby because it allows you to run a lot and I like the more physical aspect to it.

In what ways have you had to think of new ways to carry out your role under the Covid restrictions? 

Last term, when we were in school, I had to stay in our year group bubble and not be near the younger boys. This has been a new adjustment to make. I was however, still able to help organise the Pre-Prep House Football Tournament, which the younger boys really enjoyed.